The Quality Incentive Grant opportunity has now closed and we are no longer accepting applications.
College and career pathways offer the promise of better outcomes for low-income students, such as higher credit accumulation, lower high school dropout, better college enrollment and persistence. Motivated by this promise, regional education leaders across Hawaii are advancing pathways into various occupations.
Research shows that quality pathways are the key to prepare students to succeed in college and careers. When implemented with fidelity, pathways increase positive outcomes for young people. But, until recently, we lacked a shared definition of quality.
Thankfully, Hawaii P-20 has defined five quality indicators, from leadership structures to rigorous academics, work-based learning, navigational supports and alignment to labor market demands. Secondary and postsecondary leaders can use these indicators to assess the current state of our pathways work and then set improvement goals for the year.
Funding opportunity
Partnership teams from two or more of the following categories may request up to $20,000 in support of advancing one or more quality indicators over no longer than 18 months:
- DOE complex area leaders
- Public high school administrators
- Regional intermediary organizations
- Higher education institutions
- Supporting employers
To be eligible for the quality incentive grant, partnership teams should include:
- A self-assessment of quality practices using the indicators from Hawaii P-20
- A workplan detailing which indicator(s) you want to improve
- A description of how this request will advance equity in your region
- Goals and how you plan to accomplish these objectives. You may choose to focus on one or more pathways within your region.
Funds may be used for one-time costs associated with transportation, convening, facilitation, strategic planning, coaching, expanding part-time capacity, food, or program evaluation. Funds may also be used to support ongoing direct service costs that grow the foundation for learning, accelerate students towards postsecondary or connect them to careers. Should you elect to budget for direct services you must also detail how you plan to sustain these efforts if they prove effective.
Oct 4, 2023 | Announcement of RFP |
Oct 19, 2023 | Webinar overview of the quality indicators framework and related grant opportunity |
Nov 3, 2023 | Proposals due |
Nov 15, 2023 | Selection made |
Dec 1, 2023 | Implementation begins |
June 30, 2025 | Grants close |
Desired Outcomes
At the end of this process, partnership teams will be asked to submit a second self-assessment, a one-page summary of impact and report of financial expenditures.
Teams must identify at least one quality indicator and demonstrate significant progress along that indicator. Ideally, teams will be able to focus on more than one indicator over the life of the grant.
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