2025 Marine GrantsTotal: $0
2024 Marine GrantsTotal: $1,274,215
Hawaiʻi Conservation Alliance Foundation | For the next phase of the Ahupuaʻa Accelerator, a program to expand watershed-wide community management that has expanded to 46 partners statewide | $282,715 |
Hawaiʻi Local2030 Hub | To allow Hawaiʻi Green Growth to continue to populate the state’s 2030 sustainability goals dashboard and to spur action to achieve these goals | $25,000 |
Mālama Learning Center Corp | Marine Management Moʻolelo: Expanding Public Support of Holomua: Marine 30 x 30 through story-telling about the people of Hawaiʻi DLNR-DAR and DOCARE | $60,000 |
Mālama Learning Center Corp | To produce another eight segments for local popular cable show Outside Hawaiʻi that humanizes DLNR and socializes the intentions and actions of the Holomua Initiative | $61,500 |
Mālama Maunalua | To help advance the Holomua Initiative by better aligning pro-fishing perspectives with those of governmental agencies, community groups, and environmental organizations | $25,000 |
Resources Legacy Fund | To help advance the Holomua Initiative and the Care for ‘Āina Now Coalition (formerly Green Fee) environmental capital formation work | $120,000 |
The Coral Reef Alliance | To work with a coalition of partners to catalyze cesspool conversions at a meaningful scale sufficient to meet the State’s 2050 goal for 100% conversion | $100,000 |
The Nature Conservancy of Hawai’i | To continue their decades-long work with communities and the State on Maui and Hawaiʻi Island, as well as initiating new work on Kauaʻi | $600,000 |
2023 Marine GrantsTotal: $1,762,000
Hawaiʻi Community Foundation | Support for a second round of contributions to the Holomua Pooled Fund whose goal is to improve marine resources management in Hawai’i through a suite of efforts built on four pillars: Place-Based Planning, Pono Practices, Monitoring, and Protection & Restoration | $1,500,000 |
Kanu Hawaiʻi | Pledge To Our Keiki: a tie-off grant to help Kanu Hawaiʻi build on the Pledge to our Keiki platform to cement its Department of Education collaboration, strengthen its engagement with corporate sponsors, and grow service project participation alongside environmental non-profits by residents and visitor | $50,000 |
KHM International | Mālama e lua loko iʻa: support for Ka Honua Momona to restore their two adjacent fishponds on Molokaʻi with priority on the mākāhā of Aliʻi fishpond | $50,000 |
Resources Legacy Fund | To better understand and respond to opposition by specific stakeholders to the Holomua Initiative | $50,000 |
Resources Legacy Fund | Supplemental core organizational support for Resources Legacy Fund to help refine and improve a strategy to establish a Green Fee in Hawaiʻi | $12,000 |
Wastewater Alternatives and Innovations | To lead State and non-profit partners in improving the way we manage water quality in Hawaiʻi as part of the Holomua Initiative | $100,000 |