This web site serves as a free list of the 850,000-plus nonprofit organizations across the United States. The GuideStar web site is used by funders to research and identify grant recipients. GuideStar already has a basic listing about each organization, including Form 990s (if available), but organizations can add information to create a more complete profile. You can use your organization’s profile to showcase your mission, programs, leadership, goals, and results.
Hawaii Community Foundation
The Hawaii Community Foundation helps people make a difference by inspiring the spirit of giving and by investing in people and solutions to benefit every island community.
Aloha United Way
The purpose of Aloha United Way (AUW) is to provide leadership to bring people together to create a healthier, more compassionate community. Aloha United Way’s 211 is Hawaii’s only comprehensive, statewide community information and referral service. 211 offers help finding food, shelter, drug treatment, childcare, job training and much more. Dialing 2-1-1 is free from all islands 24 hours a day, and all calls are confidential.
Innovation Network
Innovation Network is a national nonprofit organization develops and shares tools and know-how to help nonprofits and funders measure their own results. Innovation Network provide program planning and evaluation consulting, training, and web-based tools to nonprofits and funders across geographic and programmatic boundaries
This web site offers nonprofits a one-stop resource for technology needs by providing free information, resources, and support. In addition to online information and resources, TechSoup offers a product philanthropy service called TechSoup Stock. Here, nonprofits can access donated and discounted technology products, generously provided by corporate and nonprofit technology partners.
CompassPoint Nonprofit Services
CompassPoint is a consulting, research, and training organization providing nonprofits with management tools, strategies, and resources to lead change in their communities.
Hawaii Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations
HANO, the Hawaii Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations, is a statewide and sector-wide association of charitable organizations. Its purpose is to unite, strengthen and provide a voice for Hawaii nonprofits to build a stronger civil society for everyone. HANO is an initiative of Hawaii Community Services Council, which works to improve the community by leading systemic change and helping nonprofits become more efficient and effective.
BoardSource increases the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations by strengthening boards of directors through its consulting practice, publications, tools, and membership program.
Resume Builder
This website offers a resource guide for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the nonprofit sector. Resume builder is a quick and easy way for candidates to create a simple but professional resume to help them stand out amongst other candidates. Other resources included are common jobs at nonprofits, a list of the largest nonprofit employers, links to nonprofit-specific job boards, and answers to questions about working for nonprofits.