(commentary by Foundation President/CEO Terry George and Castle & Cook President Harry Saunders) As Hawaii’s largest employers, we care deeply about the abilities of Hawaii’s public school students. So what are we to make of recent news that slightly less than one out of two public school students met the standard in 2015? After all, […]
Teacher voice: how do we move forward together?
(guest commentary written by Hope Street Group Teacher Fellow Chris J. Rodriguez of Waipahu Elementary School) Before I became a teacher, I would dream about my career and imagine how things would be. My future classroom occupied my thoughts. I saw this one room as the place where great learning would take place. But as […]
Does shared leadership benefit Hawaii’s kids?
Over the past six years, the Harold K.L. Foundation has spent more than $4M to support instructional leadership teams in 80 schools. This investment has supported 1) direct service from Targeted Leadership Consulting to facilitate and coach, 2) substitute teachers, 3) numerous convenings, 4) focused training sessions and 5) travel both within and outside of […]
DOCARE: Why we need to restore Hawaii’s ability to enforce the laws that protect our precious natural resources
Over 8 million visitors annually come to enjoy our environment, accounting for $14 billion a year in tourism, the largest single contributor (at 21%) to Hawaii’s economy. The overall asset value of coral reefs in the main Hawaiian Islands is estimated at nearly $10 billion (Cesar and van Beukering 2004). Just as importantly, our residents […]
ThinkTech Hawaii features Karen Lee on 55 by ’25
One of the Foundation’s core partners, Hawai‘i P20 Executive Director Karen Lee recently joined ThinkTech Hawaii to share the “55 by 25” movement seeking to increase the percentage of working age adults in Hawai‘i with a postsecondary degree or credential.